Realme India has announced a special offer on its latest phone. Recently the company has launched Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G in the Indian market. This phone comes in the budget of Rs 20 thousand. You can buy it from Amazon. This phone got excellent response in the Early Bird Sale.
The company sold 300 units of it every minute. This phone of Realme comes with AMOLED display, MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor and attractive features. The company has announced a discount on this, after which you can buy this phone cheaply. Let us know its details.
Discount offer on Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G
realme This phone comes in two configurations. The price of its 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant is Rs 19,999. A bank offer of Rs 2000 is available on this. After bank discount, you can buy this phone at a price of Rs 17,999.
The second variant of the handset comes with 8GB RAM + 256GB storage. The brand launched this smartphone at a price of Rs 21,999. A bank discount of Rs 3000 is available on this. After discount its price becomes Rs 18,999. At this price this phone will go on sale on April 12.
What are the specifications?
Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G has a 6.7-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, which comes with 120Hz refresh rate support. The peak brightness of the screen is 2000 Nits. Rainwater smart technology is available in it. The phone works on MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor.
The device comes with air gesture feature. The handset comes with a triple rear camera setup, which has a 50MP main lens. Apart from this, 8MP ultra wide angle lens and 2MP macro lens is available. A 16MP selfie camera is provided in the front. The smartphone comes with 5000mAh battery and 67W charging.