An attempt has been made to hack the internal computer system of the Indian Air Force. Hackers tried this last month. However, he did not succeed in this objective. Hackers used an open source malware to steal sensitive data of the Air Force.
No Air Force data has been leaked in this attempt by hackers. According to Cyble’s report, a variant of Go Stealer malware has been used to target IAF systems. This malware is public on GitHub. That means anyone can download it.
Hackers had tried to insert this malware in the IAF system with the help of ZIF file. The name of this file was SU-30_Aircraft_Procurement. Phishing mail was used to deliver this file to the target.
hacking In this effort, no data of the Air Force has fallen into the hands of hackers. Many terms like malware, ZIF file and phishing mail have been used throughout this story. Let us know how hackers target someone using malware and how malware can harm you.
What is malware?
Malware simply means malicious software. This type of software is designed to cause harm to computer systems, networks or other devices. The term malware is used for many types of malicious software, whose job is to cause damage to the Internet or gain unauthorized access.
In the Internet world, the term malware is used for viruses, spyware, ransomware, trojans, adware, botnets, rootkits and other malicious software.
You too can become their victim
Hackers use malware to target not only big organizations but also common people. The purpose of some of these is to steal your data, while the work of some will be to play ads secretly in your phone. They do many types of work.
How does your data reach hackers?
There are two ways to implant a malware. One is through internet or any other communication medium and the other way is offline. Some systems are such that they work offline. Malware is implanted in the system through a known person.
At the same time, phishing links, email, SMS and other communication mediums are used to reach a target through the Internet. If any malware is present in a system connected to the Internet, then the malware transmits all the data to its parent device with the help of the Internet.
Whereas in offline devices, this malware steals all the data and stores it in a file. This file has to be accessed through physical means.