Social media platform X has updated its policy. Posting of adult or porn content has been approved on Elon Musk’s platform. Elon Musk himself has been accusing other social media platforms, especially Instagram, of promoting nudity. However, posting of adult content has now been approved on his platform.
The company has also issued guidelines regarding who will see this content and who will not. However, after the approval of adult content on X, a question arises whether X will be banned in India. Since, porn websites are banned in India. In such a situation, how can X, which serves adult content, work.
The nudity hashtag trended for an hour in India
Last week on Saturday, a hashtag related to nudity was seen trending on X. The day the Exit Poll of the general election in India was released, the word nudity kept trending on X for several hours from morning. Not only this, about 40 lakh hashtags of this word related to nudity were also used. You can see it in the screenshot given below.
However, when that hashtag was clicked, only one pornographic account was visible. The surprising thing is that that pornographic account was also verified. As soon as the latest post was clicked, content kept appearing with the pornographic hashtag.
This account remained the top trend in India for several hours, which was later removed. However, this account is still present on the social media platform, on which a lot of adult content is present.
What is X’s new policy?
There are many such accounts on X which share adult content. Such accounts are called NSFW i.e. Not Safe for Work. Since such accounts already exist on X, this policy has not surprised many people.
The social media platform wrote in its adult content policy, ‘We believe that users can create, distribute and consume content on sexual themes as long as it is created and distributed with consensus. Sexual expression can be a legitimate form of artistic expression in visual or text format.’
X has stated in its policy that we believe in the autonomy of adults who want to create content based on their beliefs, desires and expressions, even if it is related to sexuality.
What are the limits and guidelines for adult content on X?
The company says that they will protect underage users from such posts. Such content will not be accessible to children or people who do not want to see it. People who regularly post adult content will have to mark their posts as sensitive. People who have not verified their age will not get access to such content.
Will X be banned in India?
Porn sites are banned in India. That means you cannot access porn sites (yet there are many such sites). In such a situation, what will happen to X on which adult content will also be present. The situation is not clear about this yet. X has definitely approved adult content, but this platform does not fall under the category of porn site yet.
In such a situation, it will not be banned at present, but in future action can be taken against this platform regarding adult content. Let us tell you that such content is also present on other social media platforms, but they have not directly approved it. Such content is removed on reporting (at least it is removed from the feed of the complaining user).