Samsung has launched the Ultra Watch for the first time during its Unpacked 2024 event. This is a kind of rugged smart watch that adventure lovers will like. Let us tell you that like the Apple Watch Ultra, it also has many such features which are not available in normal smart watches. However, the company has also launched its normal smart watch in the same event.
Galaxy Watch Ultra has a bold design and great build quality. The company has used a cushion design in it and its strap is very easy to put on and remove. According to Samsung, it is made of titanium grade 4. It has an IP 68 rating which also makes it water and dust proof. It supports up to 10ATM.
Galaxy Watch Ultra looks similar to Apple Watch Ultra 2. Especially its straps look similar. The dial size is 47mm and the case has a titanium finish. It has a 1.5 inch Super AMOLED display. It has an Exynos W1000 chip. This watch also has a microphone and speaker through which you can make calls.
Galaxy Watch Ultra is specially designed to work accurately even in extreme weather conditions, high altitude and extreme temperatures. The display of this watch is very bright and you can easily read or view its content even in direct sunlight. According to the company, it has a brightness of 3,000 nits.
Galaxy Watch Ultra also has a night mode feature and you can choose from different watch faces. Talking about hardware, for the first time the company has given a 3nm chipset in a watch. It has a first frequency GPS system. The company has said that it has enhanced bioactive sensors.
The company has claimed that the battery of Galaxy Watch Ultra can last up to 100 hours in power saving mode. Talking about the special features, it has multi sports tiles which will automatically detect different workouts.
Apart from this, FTP training feature has been given which will improve cycling performance. This watch also has a quick action button which you can customize for any other feature.